Connecticut's Finest Bug Eyes

When it comes to the stance community, the New England area has some of the best cars you'll ever see.  I recently did a shoot with Kyle Bickell (sedan) and Mike Gay (wagon) and in my opinion, they are two of the best looking bug eyes in Connecticut and maybe New England in general.

Kyle, recently recreating every detail, has had a long winter perfecting his car to exactly what he has always wanted. From a full interior make over to air ride, vinyl wrap to Work 3 piece, step lip wheels (1 of 4 in the US), he has had quite the adventure with countless hours fine tuning his car; Not to mention this is his daily driver!

Mike, is a show stopper every show he goes to, whether it be a local car meet or an event on the weekend. So simple yet the perfect wagon sitting nicely on CCW lm5t's.